Monday, November 17, 2008

Back at it

I rejoined Weight Watchers cause I felt like I needed a more structured program. I was doing a little bit of it on my own, but at the same time I guess I needed to be held accountable. So today was my second weigh in and I am down 4.2lb in two weeks. Yeah! The hardest part for me has been when we want to go out to eat. For instance this past weekend we went to Mimi's cafe with some friends and ordered the pistachio, strawberry, and chicken salad. I got the dressing on the side as I knew that it was not going to be the best. But, here was the kicker...the meal came with a muffin. So, I ordered the pumpkin spice. It was a large muffin so I decided that I would just eat half of it. I had no idea that had I ate the entire thing I would be eating 11 pts. worth. I just find that to be ridiculous. No muffin is worth 11pts. Then I got to thinking I wonder what some other things I have ate, like the orange chicken rice bowl at Applebee's. This dish is 40pts. That is well over the amount that any person should eat in a given day. Granted Applebee's has the WW menu sometimes my eyes wander to the other side of the menu. Note to self, I will not be ordering that item again it is safe to say.

The only thing that I am doing that I have not done in the past is to write everything in a food journal. I always thought that I didn't need to do this in the past, but I think that it is actually very helpful.

So, onto week three and thus far things are looking good. I am not sure how Thanksgiving will go, that will be a challenge for sure. But, there is no finish line, health is an endless journey and at least I am on the path!

Friday, July 4, 2008

July 4th

It is July 4th and of course we went to a cook out and of course I ate way too much. I have been telling myself that oh tomorrow I will get back to the gym or oh tomorrow I will eat better. But the truth is tomorrow arrives and yet I do nothing. My life seems like it is full of tomorrow's or at least promises of them. I feel like I should be done now, I want to be done with the weight loss journey. I mean one would think that the loss of 75 pounds that I should be done. Alas, I am not done. Closer to the end goal, but still not done. I want so badly to reach my goal, but I defeat myself at each and every turn it seems. I guess that is just how it goes when you are trying to loose weight. You have very high periods and also very low. I have been in a rut for a good while and I am hoping that I will turn out of it soon. I will be changing work shifts next month. I will switch from 7-3:30 to 3-11:30. I am hoping that this will give me time to work out before I go to work. I have to be honest that I feel exhausted when I get off of work now even though I should force myself to go to the gym. Hopefully, this change will be just what I need to kick it back into gear and get things moving in the right direction again.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

And Begin...

I created this blog several months ago and here it sits until today. I have been meaning to get this started for just about forever. There have been some pretty inspirational blogs out there in the vast there internet.

A little background...I have been fat for just about all of my life. Scratch that, for all of my life. I think that I was even a fat baby, I think I weighed like 11 pounds or something. Yeah, tell me about it! Until a bit over a year ago the number on the scale just climbed and climbed with no real end in sight. Then at a routine physical my doctor told me that I had pre-diabetes. Not a big shock as it really does run rampant on both sides of my family. But, to me that was the beginning of an end. I do not want to have to take insulin or oral meds forever. Bottom line, I just want to be healthy. Well, lets also be honest, I want to shop at Gap without having to order online:)

So, flash forward to today I have lost roughly 75 pounds. Holy crap that is a lot I know! But, sadly I digress that even at -75lb of loss I am no where near done. So this is my story. I have to admit that I am not so good at blogging. How does the saying go....the best intentions....they must of had me in mind when saying that. But what I can say is that although I have lost like a fourth grader of of my hips and and waist I have to become honest with who I was, who I am, who I will become. I really think that is the root of dealing with the weight and also losing it. Read if you like, because one day I will be buying the latest fall line off the shelf at Gap and I won't even wait for the ever illusive sale:)