Tuesday, June 24, 2008

And Begin...

I created this blog several months ago and here it sits until today. I have been meaning to get this started for just about forever. But...here...goes...nothing. There have been some pretty inspirational blogs out there in the vast there internet.

A little background...I have been fat for just about all of my life. Scratch that, for all of my life. I think that I was even a fat baby, I think I weighed like 11 pounds or something. Yeah, tell me about it! Until a bit over a year ago the number on the scale just climbed and climbed with no real end in sight. Then at a routine physical my doctor told me that I had pre-diabetes. Not a big shock as it really does run rampant on both sides of my family. But, to me that was the beginning of an end. I do not want to have to take insulin or oral meds forever. Bottom line, I just want to be healthy. Well, lets also be honest, I want to shop at Gap without having to order online:)

So, flash forward to today I have lost roughly 75 pounds. Holy crap that is a lot I know! But, sadly I digress that even at -75lb of loss I am no where near done. So this is my story. I have to admit that I am not so good at blogging. How does the saying go....the best intentions....they must of had me in mind when saying that. But what I can say is that although I have lost like a fourth grader of of my hips and and waist I have to become honest with who I was, who I am, who I will become. I really think that is the root of dealing with the weight and also losing it. Read if you like, because one day I will be buying the latest fall line off the shelf at Gap and I won't even wait for the ever illusive sale:)