Monday, January 12, 2009


As previously posted Mondays are my weigh in days. No big news today. I stayed the exact same. I did not gain or lose even one ounce. I was hoping that there would be some progress, but alas there was none. I have to say that I would much rather have a no loss week than a gain week. Back at it for another week.

Food run down...breakfast was after weigh in and was a turkey sandwich on an English muffin. I also had a cheese stick and a apple. I went to a movie this afternoon and had a popcorn there, no butter. For dinner we made chicken fajitas and had a mint skinny cow ice cream for dessert.

As I posted last week about hitting my goal of 100 lb loss I rewarded myself today. I got my hair cut and colored. I also bought some nice shampoo, conditioner, and hair styling product for myself. I have not rewarded myself like that for a very long time. I thought about what I wanted to do for a reward and I was certain that I did not want for it to revolve around food. I had also been tossing back and for the idea about how short to cut my hair. I have been thinking about cutting it very short for a long time. When I was sitting there in the chair while my hair color was developing I thought about the length and how much I wanted a change. Then I just decided to do it. I have heard that when a woman is ready for a change she is ready for a hair cut. And it was so. I really have to say that I like the way it turned out. It will be so much easier to take care of and also for at work.

The other reward for the day was doing the Biggest Loser boot camp DVD. I did the beginner, but it really does get your heart pumping. It mixes cardio along with resistance training for a great overall work out. Kevin was nice enough to prep dinner and get it going while I was working out with Bob in the living room. It was a bit weird him making dinner while I was working out, but both things turned out splendidly well.

Goal for the week is to work out at least five days for 30 minutes. I will probably just rotate the two Biggest Loser DVD's for awhile. I could be going to the gym, but it is freezing outside. We will see how it goes.

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